FMath Edge Extension - Test Suites - 3.5.1 MathML - Table or Matrix mtable

A matrix or table is specified using the mtable element. Inside of the mtable element, only mtr or mlabeledtr elements may appear. Table rows that have fewer columns than other rows of the same table (whether the other rows precede or follow them) are effectively padded on the right (or left in RTL context) with empty mtd elements so that the number of columns in each row equals the maximum number of columns in any row of the table. MathML Fundamentals

Table Matrix - mtable columnalign 1 2 3 0 left 0 0 0 1 + 1 2 3 0 center 0 0 0 1 + 1 2 3 0 right 0 0 0 1 left 1 3 0 center 0 0 1 right


<math mathsize="50">
    <mspace linebreak="newline" indentalign="center"></mspace>
    <mtext style="border:1px;" mathsize="50">Table Matrix - mtable columnalign</mtext>
    <mspace linebreak="newline" indentalign="center"></mspace>
    <mrow style="border:1px;">
        <mtable style="border:1px" columnalign="left">
            <mtr style="border:1px">
            <mtr style="border:1px">
            <mtr style="border:1px">
        <mtable style="border:1px" columnalign="center">
            <mtr style="border:1px">
            <mtr style="border:1px">
            <mtr style="border:1px">
        <mtable style="border:1px" columnalign="right">
            <mtr style="border:1px">
            <mtr style="border:1px">
            <mtr style="border:1px">
    <mspace linebreak="newline" indentalign="center"></mspace>
    <mrow style="border:1px;">
        <mtable style="border:1px" columnalign="left center right">
            <mtr style="border:1px">
            <mtr style="border:1px">
            <mtr style="border:1px">