Cross Browser Solution - Test Suites - 2.1.7 MathML - Collapsing Whitespace in Input

MathML ignores whitespace occurring outside token elements. Non-whitespace characters are not allowed there. Whitespace occurring within the content of token elements , except for , is normalized as follows. All whitespace at the beginning and end of the content is removed, and whitespace internal to content of the element is collapsed canonically, i.e., each sequence of 1 or more whitespace characters is replaced with one space character (U+0020, sometimes called a blank character). MathML Fundamentals

( No spaces ) Theorem 1:  Theorem  1: 


<math mathsize="100">
	<mspace linebreak="newline" indentalign="center"></mspace>
	<mrow style="border:1px" >
		<mo> ( </mo><mtext>No spaces</mtext><mo> ) </mo>
	<mspace linebreak="newline" indentalign="center"></mspace>
	<mrow style="border:1px" >
	<mspace linebreak="newline" indentalign="center"></mspace>
	<mrow style="border:1px" >
		 Theorem  1: 